NPA Membership & Ring Secretary Colin Jeckell
Email :
Tel: 07341 904617
General Secretary Helen Seed
Contact preferred via Email:
Tel: 07983 485614
Please leave a message or send a text.
Postal Address for all correspondence and membership
23 Trent Street, Longridge, Preston, PR3 2AH
Committee - Graham Bates, Ken Goodman, Graham Giddings, Nick Dawyd, Mark Rudd, Colin Ronald & Helen Seed.
Working Party (Non Committee) - Show Co-ordinator Jamie Vaughan Breed Register Co-ordinator Keith Brain.
Four committee meetings are held every year, currently in Rugby, where we discuss matters arising from the last meeting, events that have occurred in the intervening period and items raised by the committee and NPA members.
If you have anything you wish the committee to discuss at a meeting, please submit it in writing to the Secretary for inclusion on the Agenda at least 3 weeks before the relevant meeting.
NPA AGM & Meetings
Four committee meetings are held every year, currently in Rugby/Coventry area, where we discuss matters arising from the last meeting, events that have occurred in the intervening period and items raised by the committee and NPA members.
If you have anything you wish the committee to discuss at a meeting, please submit it, in writing, to the Secretary for inclusion on the Agenda at least 3 weeks before the relevant meeting.
AGM 2023 - Sunday 9th February, 11am at Holiday Inn Queens Drive Wakefield; followed by Open Forum
The date of the next meetings are;
2025 dates to be agreed
Contact Telephone Numbers
If you wish to talk to any of our committee members regarding the NPA, Pigeons or Shows then please feel free to ring us.
Please can we request that you remain respectful of the time of your call, emails are always the preferred means of contact.
Committee members DO NOT have access to the ring list to assist with lost pigeons.
Graham Bates - 01692 536668
Nick Dawyd - 07739 065413
Colin Jeckell - 07341 904617
Colin Ronald - 07771 795110
Mark Rudd - 07725 803907
Helen Seed - 07983 485614
Jamie Vaughan - 07766 008102